someone's flesh creeps* - somone feels great fear

mead - an alcoholic liquor made by fermenting a mixture of honey and water.

mard = merd - dung, excrement 

dodge - a shifty trick, an artifice to elude or cheat

wonderland - an imaginary realm of wonder and faery; a country, realm, or domain which is full of wonders or marvels.

flaunt - to display ostentatiously or obtrusively; to flourish, parade, show off.

trance - a state of mental abstraction from external things; absorption, exaltation, rapture, ecstasy.


to put one's cards on the table* - to show or make known one's intentions, plans, etc., to reveal one's resources.

auditor - a hearer, listener; one of an audience; one who learns by oral instruction; an attendant on lectures, a disciple.

lefthanded* - awkward; clumsy, inapt; ill-omened, inauspicious, sinister; Of a marriage: Literally, one in which the bridegroom gives the bride his left hand instead of his right (as was the custom at morganatic weddings in Germany); hence, morganatic.

palinode - an ode or song in which the author retracts something said in a former poem; hence gen. a recantation.



connexion = connection - a personal relation of intercourse, intimacy, common interest, or action; sexual relation or intercourse.

note - to observe or mark carefully, to give heed or attention to, to notice closely.

semicolon* - a punctuation-mark consisting of a dot placed above a comma (;).

screamer - an exclamation mark

inverted comma* - a mark, the same as that used in punctuation, but placed above the line as a quotation-mark: that at the beginning of the quotation or line is inverted, that at the end erect.

quote* - a quotation mark

farce - a dramatic work (usually short) which has for its sole object to excite laughter      face



Roman Catholicism;            culotte* - a divided skirt.

fugle - to cheat, trick

gleeman - a professional entertainer at social gatherings; esp. a singer, musician, or minstrel.

pants - pantaloons, trousers; underpants, panties, or shorts worn as an outer garment.

outside;            outsized - unusually large or heavy, too large.

duckboard - a boardwalk laid on a wet, muddy or cold surface for the safety of the people crossing or standing on it.

love one another

reel - to walk with the body swinging violently from side to side; to make one's way in a swaying or staggering manner, esp. under the effects of intoxication.

postoral - situated behind the mouth                                                                              pastoral

lector - Eccl. An ecclesiastic belonging to one of the minor orders, whose duty originally consisted in reading the 'lessons'.

bunk - a box or recess in a ship's cabin, railway-carriage, lodging-house, etc., serving for a  bed.

to butt in* - to thrust oneself unceremoniously and uninvited into an affair, discussion, etc.; to intrude, interfere without good reason.

breach of contract* - the breaking of any legal or moral bond or obligation.

hic - an imitation of the sound of a hiccup, esp. as an interruption in the speech of a drunken person.

take hold* - to grasp, seize

counsel - to give or offer counsel or advice

Ecclesiast - 'The Preacher', i.e. Solomon considered as the author of the Book of Ecclesiastes;  a church administrator.

resumption - the action of resuming, taking up, or commencing again                             reason

Foreign Office* - the department of the 'Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs'; the building in which the business of this department is carried on. 

on the move* - in process of moving from one place to another;       shove - an impulse given to make a person or thing move or act more quickly.

lay out* - to take measures, frame one's conduct with a view to effecting a purpose or gaining an object; to take measures to win or get. Also, to scheme, plan to effect some purpose.

dossier - a bundle of papers or documents referring to some matter; esp. a bundle of papers or information about a person.

plan - to devise, contrive, design (something to be done, or some action or proceeding to be carried out); to scheme, project, arrange beforehand. Also with on.

plot - a plan or scheme for the constitution or accomplishment of anything; a purpose, device, design, scheme.

edging - that which forms an edge to anything

whispering - reporting something secretly or confidentially; esp. secretly slanderous, talebearing, backbiting.

peeler - a nickname given to members of the Irish constabulary, founded under the secretaryship (1812-18) of Mr. Robert Peel.


dirt cheap - as cheap as dirt, exceedingly cheap

sovereign - a British gold coin of the (nominal) value of one pound.

(so much) a skull - per person

backwoods - wild, uncleared forest-land; e.g. that of North America. Also a remote and sparsely inhabited region.

see to - to take special care about (a matter)

regent - one who is invested with royal authority by another; esp. one appointed to administer a kingdom during the minority, absence, or incapacity of the sovereign.

refutation - the action of refuting or disproving a statement, charge, etc.                 reputation

Oscar Wild


to go native - to turn to or relapse into savagery or heathenism.

orange book - a report of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries dealing with marketing questions and published in orange covers.

avenue* - a fine wide street

for a moment* - during a moment


pidgin - a language as spoken in a simplified or altered form by non-natives, spec. as a means  of communication between people not sharing a common language.