renounce* - to abandon, give up, discontinue (a practice, action, habit, thought, intention, etc.); announce - to make known as an official messenger, to deliver new.

deviltry = devilry - devilish action or conduct; extreme wickedness, cruelty, or perversity; wicked mischief.

purchase - fig. A 'hold', 'fulcrum', or position of advantage for accomplishing something.


diamond cut diamond* - an equal match in sharpness (of wit, cunning, etc.)

confessedly - by general admission or acknowledgement, admittedly; by personal confession, avowedly.

homme (fr) - man

to the manner born* - in Shaks., destined by one's birth to be subject to the (specified) custom; In later echoes often: Seeming to be congenitally fitted for some position or employment.


splet - to split; to spread, smear (obs.)

pair of bellows* - an instrument or machine constructed to furnish a strong blast of air. In its simplest form, it consists essentially of a combination of bag and box, formed of an upper and lower board joined by flexible leather sides, enclosing a cavity capable of expansion and contraction, and furnished with a valve opening inwards, through which air enters and fills the expanded cavity, and with a tube or nozzle, through which the air is forced out in a stream when the machine is compressed. 

Bacchus* - the god of wine

rousing - that is awakening or rising

guttural - a guttural sound; guttural utterance

peach - to inform against an accomplic, to turn informer; to blab, divulge. 

warry - belligerent, warlike                                                                                                very

warst = worst

defile - the act of defiling, a march by files

misspeech* - evil speaking (obs.); incorrect speaking


baisement* - a kiss of the hands: in pl. compliments, respects.

tone - a state or temper of mind; mood, disposition

acquiesce* - to agree tacitly to, concur in

totty - tiny, wee

poppy - Of eyes: protuberant

flossy - resembling floss or floss-silk

conny = canny - agreeable to the eyes or perception, tidy, seemly, comely.

to have cold* - to be cold, to feel or suffer cold

up to the ears* - fig. deeply immersed in

hoven - swell, bloat

alltime* - for all time up to the present  

aswarm - swarming



anent - facing, against, towards


dense - to make dense

uncouth* - with which one is not acquainted or familiar; unfamiliar, unaccustomed, strange.

compos mentis* - having control of one's mind, in one's right mind.

novus (l) - new

Marx - the name of Karl Marx (1818-83), German-born socialist writer.

shenk - to pour out (liquor), to give (a person) drink


skunk - to fail to pay (a bill or a creditor); to cheat

hither and thither* - to this place and that, in this direction and in that (alternately); to and fro; in various directions.

hand by hand* - at close quarters, side by side 



mom - mamma



stub - a stump of a tree; a short thick nail                                                                           stop

lurch - to remain in or about a place furtively or secretly, esp. with evil design.

amotion - the action of removing a person or thing from a position; removal              emotion

apprentices;      princesses

Nessie - a name for a monster or monsters supposedly inhabiting Loch Ness in northern Scotland.

nixie - a female water-elf, a water-nymph


real;         royal

devout - devoted to divine worship or service; solemn and reverential in religious exercises.

marly - resembling, or partaking of the qualities of, marl; marbled, spotted                   merely

sprig - a shoot, twig, or spray of a plant, shrub, or tree.

curly - of a curled form; wavy, undulating; of plants, having curled leaves. 

weeden* - composed of weeds

coil - to twist in or into a circular, spiral, or winding shape.

spruce - trim, neat, dapper; smart in appearance.

salt horse - salted beef; also transf., a naval officer with general duties.

sonny - a familiar term of address to a boy or to a man younger than the speaker.

tear - fine, delicate (obs.); of the best quality (obs.) 

chit* - a person considered as no better than a child; now, mostly of a girl or young woman.


oh my* - a mild exclamation of surprise;         mah = my.


seath - a pit, hole, well, or pool

colory - characterized by or abounding in colour