solely - only, merely, exclusively

hitch - to put (as by an effort) into a story, into verse, or the like; to insert or mention in a literary work, esp. by way of exposure or ridicule. 

cock eye - fig. goggle-eyed; topsy-turvy, absurd, ridiculous; drunk

snap - to take (an instantaneous photograph), to snap-shot.

on the sly - secretly

upsidaisy* - an exclamation made to a child on encouraging or assisting it to rise from a fall, etc., or to surmount an obstacle, or when raising it in the arms or jerking it into the air.

pert - a pert person or thing; lively; brisk, sprightly; in good spirits, cheerful, 'jolly'.

tinker - a clumsy or inefficient mender, a botcher


rann - a verse, a strain

keen - an Irish funeral song accompanied with wailing in lamentation for the dead.

newsboy* - a boy who sells newspapers in the streets, or delivers them at houses.

to make ducks and drakes of* - to throw away idly or carelessly; to handle or use recklessly; to squander.


bowler hat - a low-crowned stiff felt hat

deductive - deductive reasoning; reasoning from generals to particulars                   detective


hoax - a humorous or mischievous deception, usually taking the form of a fabrication of something fictitious or erroneous, told in such a manner as to impose upon the credulity of the victim.

chestnote - a note produced in the lowest register of the voice

heat wave* - a wave of radiant heat; a 'wave' or access of excessive heat in the atmosphere, esp. when regarded as passing from one place to another.



rename* - to name again; esp. to give another or new name to.


paperboy* - a boy employed to sell newspapers

footle - to talk or act foolishly, to trifle or 'potter'

foil - to dishonour; to overthrow, defeat (an antagonist); to baffle, frustrate the efforts of (a person).

flouter - one who flouts or mocks

sprit - to spring, dart                                                                                                         spit

phiz - face

bis - encore, again

pudden = puding

to take one's leave* - to depart with some expression of farewell, to bid farewell.



cowboys;         culpa

submerged - sunk under water; covered or overflowed with water, inundated.

dough - a mass consisting of flour or meal moistened and kneaded into a paste, with or without leaven, ready to be baked into bread, etc. 

doughty - like dough in appearance, consistency, or character.

doubleface - a double-faced person, a hypocrite

waterside - the side or brink of water; the bank or margin of the sea, or of a river, stream, or lake.

chance - to risk, venture, take one's chance of

windship - a wind-powered ship, a sailing-ship

foursquare - having four equal sides, square

trust - confidence in or reliance on some quality or attribute of a person or thing, or the truth of a statement; Law. The confidence reposed in a person in whom the legal ownership of property is vested to hold or use for the benefit of another; hence, an estate committed to the charge of trustees.

piteousness - pitiableness (pitiable quality or condition)

turtle - to turn over

sod of turf

spake - to hasten (to do something)

hawk - to carry about from place to place and offer for sale; to cry in the street.

theatricals* - the performance of stage plays; matters pertaining to the stage and acting.

precarious* - unfounded, doubtful, uncertain

drain - an artificial conduit or channel for carrying off water, sewage, etc.

by whiles - by turns (obs. rare.)

rere - rearwards

midden - a dunghill, manure-heap, refuse-heap

appurtenant - a thing appertaining, a 'belonging'; belonging as a property or legal right (to); proper, suited, or appropriate to; relating, pertinent.

thereof - of that, of it

salve - to clear up, explain, account for (a difficulty, point in dispute, etc.); to overcome (a doubt, objection).

wump - a foolish or feeble person

pump - an attempt at extracting information from any one, by exhaustive or skilful questioning; one who is clever at this.


wherein - in which (matter, fact, action, condition, etc.); in, at, during, or in the course of which (time).

thereout* - out of doors, in the open

bowery = bower - a dwelling, habitation, abode

hindering* - that hinders, impedes, or obstructs;        hinter - one who or that which hints or gives a hint.

Anglo-Saxonism* - anything peculiar to the Anglo-Saxon race; esp. A word, phrase, idiom, or habit of speech, belonging to, or derived from, the Old English, unaffected by Romanic or other foreign admixture.

barely - nakedly, without covering, nudely; openly, without disguise or concealment, clearly, plainly.

misunderstood* - improperly understood, taken in a wrong sense.