iota - the least, or a very small, particle or quantity; an atom. (Mostly with negative expressed or implied.)

faust - happy, lucky                                                                                                              first

redobted - feared or dreaded; reverenced, respected; noted, distinguished.

overthrow* - defeat, discomfiture; deposition from power; subversion, destruction, ruin.

gow - a drug; spec. opium                                                                                                   god

coffeepot* - a covered pot with a spout, in which coffee is made or brought on the table;
Kopf (d) - head

solicit* - to incite, draw on, allure, by some specious representation or argument.

grubble* - to grope

roundhouse - a lock-up, a place of detention for arrested persons. 


mummer - one who mutters or murmurs (obs.)

God knows

free of charge* - given or provided without payment, costless, gratuitous. 

scamp - a good-for-nothing, worthless person; a rascal                                                    stamp


steady - to keep from rocking, shaking, tottering, or similar movement; to settle (one's mind, thoughts, etc.)                                                                                                                 studied

Jura - Jurassic rocks or strata, the Jurassic system;        iuris (l) - law.

best man - the groomsman or 'friend of the bridegroom' at a wedding.


selve - (to cause) to become and act as a unique self                                                         solve

whither - to (or in) any place to which; to whatever place                                           whether

primum mobile* - the supposed outermost sphere (at first reckoned the ninth, later the tenth), added in the Middle Ages to the Ptolemaic system of astronomy, and supposed to revolve round the earth from east to west in twenty-four hours, carrying with it the (eight or nine) contained spheres; a prime source of motion or action, an original cause or spring of activity, a prime mover.

naught - not


wriggle - a quick writhing movement or flexion of the body, etc.                                     riddle

universe:         ubi - present place or location; whereabouts.

offender - one who offends, who transgresses a law, or infringes a rule or regulation.

nother - neither of two persons or things; neither

for example

pint - a vessel containing a pint, a pint-pot; point.

byspel* - a parable; a proverb;         spill - a downpouring or dropping of liquid; a quantity spilled                                                                                                                          business

hurtig (d) - quick








fishfry* - a picnic where fish is fried and eaten; young fishes just produced from the spawn.

kettledrum* - a musical instrument of percussion consisting of a hollow hemisphere of brass or copper, over the edge of which parchment is stretched and tuned to a definite note; an afternoon tea-party on a large scale (a punning term, implying that the gathering was a smaller affair than the usual 'drum' and associating it with the tea-kettle)                       candled room

suppress - to keep secret; to refrain from disclosing or divulging; to refrain from mentioning or stating (either something that ought to be revealed, or that was formerly stated or included, or that may be understood from the context).

notwithstanding* - in spite of something

by measure - as determined by measuring (in contradistinction to weighing or counting).

letterpress* - the text of a piece of printing, distinguished from illustrations, etc.

eminently - in an eminent or especial degree, signally, notably.

negligible* - capable of being neglected or disregarded (...within very negligible limits of error).

butter - to flatter lavishly, to bedaub with fulsome praise or compliment;        better - to make better, to improve.

publicity - public notice; the action or fact of making someone or something publicly known; the business of promotion or advertising; an action or object intended to attract public notice; material issued to publicize.


notice* - heed, cognizance, note, attention, one's cognizance or observation.

...I wil turne aside now, and se this great sight, ...the Baron turned not aside from his argument.

restaruration* - the restoration of something material to its proper condition. 

packen (d) - to pack

sacred book, writing, etc.* - one of those in which the laws and teachings of a religion are embodied.

scriptured - warranted by Holy Scripture; covered with writing.

strap - to work closely and energetically (at a task), to buckle to one's work (slang.)

scrap - to scratch in the earth; as a dog or other animal having that propensity. 


augur - to prognosticate from signs or omens; to have good or bad anticipations or expectations of, for.

the signs of the times* - indications of current trends;    hurry - commotion or agitation, physical, social, or political (obs.); excited, hasty, or impetuous motion, rush (obs.)

commend - to present as worthy of favourable acceptance, regard, consideration, attention, or notice.

coextensive - extending over the same space or time; of equal extension; coinciding in limits.

merit - a commendable quality, an excellence

inthrust - to thrust in, to intrude;        entrust - to confide the care or disposal of (a thing or person), the execution of (a task) to a person. 

edifying - tending to produce moral and spiritual improvement, instructive; In mod. use often ironical.

embellished* - beautified, adorned, illustrated

expurgate* - to purify or amend (a book, etc.) by removing what is thought objectionable.

plate - a full page representation often on special paper

replete - filled with, abundantly supplied or provided with, fully imbued or invested with some quality or property.

accompanying* - acting as a companion, going along with

...The Categories are - substance, quantity, relation, quality, place, time, position, habit, action, passion (Whewell Hist. Induct. Sc. (1857) I. 209).

slapbang* - with, or as with, a slap and a bang; without delay, immediately.

whizz - a sibilant sound somewhat less shrill than a hiss, and having a trace of musical tone like a buzz; a swift movement producing such a sound.

crash - the loud and sudden sound as of a hard body or number of bodies broken by violent percussion, as by being dashed to the ground or against each other.



veneration* - a feeling of deep respect and reverence directed towards some person or thing.

timmersome = timorsome - subject to or characterized by fear, timorous, timid; inspiring fear, fearful, dreadful (rare.)

townside - the land close beside a town

country life* - life in the country following rural pursuits


overwhelm* - to overcome or overpower as regards one's action or circumstances, to bring to ruin or destruction.

back seat - an inferior seat; hence colloq., a position of inferiority or comparative obscurity.

wordcraft - the art of using words, oratorical or literary skill

woodcutter - one who cuts wood; a maker of woodcuts, a wood-engraver.

vignette* - a brief verbal description of a person, place, etc.; a short descriptive or evocative episode in a play, etc.