nowell = noel - a chrismass carol, the christmass season

browning - the name of John M. Browning (1855-1926), applied attrib. to various weapons ranging from pistols to machine-guns, esp. automatic ones, designed by  him                 Bruno

curry - to ride or run with haste or rapidity, to scurry                                                     Hurry

halcyon days* - fourteen days of calm weather, anciently believed to occur about the winter solstice when the halcyon was brooding.

reduit* - a keep or stronghold into which a garrison may retire when the outworks are taken, and so prolong the defence of the place.

recruit* - one newly or recently enlisted for service in the army.

paddy* - nickname for an Irishman

British* - pl. British people, soldiers, etc.

wheeze - a whistling sound caused by difficult breathing; Theatr. slang, A joke or comic gag introduced into the performance of a piece by a clown or comedian, esp. a comic phrase or saying introduced repeatedly; hence, (gen. slang or colloq.) a catch phrase constantly repeated; more widely, a trick or dodge frequently used; also, a piece of special information, a 'tip'.

wayward* - disposed to go counter to the wishes or advice of others, or to what is reasonable; capriciously wilful.

blue streak - something resembling a flash of lightning in speed, vividness, etc.; a constant stream of words; esp. in phr. to talk a blue streak.

af = of

hand to hand - with close approach of hands; at close quarters.

jiggyjoggy* - imitative words expressing reiteration or alternation of light, short, jerky movements.


woo - (a spell of) caressing or love-making                                                                       boys


woodbine - an Englishman, esp. a soldier, considered as a habitual smoker of Woodbine cigarettes.

willie - an infantile name for the penis   

Charlie Chaplin

blue - to make blue

tune in - to strike into a chorus; to interpose in a conversation; to tune a radio or television to (a particular station or transmission, or a particular frequency).

topmast - a smaller mast fixed on the top of a lower mast;        topmost - uppermost, highest. 

novelty* - something new or unusual; a novel thing or occurrence.

revel - riotous or noisy mirth or merry-making

rink - the space of ground within which a combat, joust, or race takes place; a sheet of ice for skating, especially one artificially prepared and roofed in.

bon homme (fr.) - good man

vive - to endue with life


blowhole - each of the two holes (constituting the nostrils) at the top of the head in whales and other cetaceans, through which they breathe or 'blow'.

brasshat - an officer of high rank in the British army (or other Service), so called from the gilt insignia on his cap (slang.)

butch - a tough youth or man; butcher

bonzer - excellent, extremely good

believe me

dogleg - tobacco of poor quality

halfpenny* - worth no more than a halfpenny, of contemptible value, trumpery.

disengaged* - set free from engagement, ties, or prepossession; free from obligatory connexion.

slavey - a male servant or attendant; a female domestic servant, esp. one who is hard-worked; a maid of all work                                                                                                        Slavic

generale - Mil. 'Formerly a beat of the drum for the assembly of all the troops preparatory to a march, battle, or action'                                                                                             generals


sunpicture* - a picture made by means of sunlight, a photograph.

baghous* = bakehouse (obs.) - a building or apartment in which bread is made, having an oven for baking it. 

not care a tinker's cuss* - not give a damn



assister* - he who or that which gives help, or assists in doing something;
sisterhood - a society of sisters; esp. a society of women who have taken certain vows and live together under conventual rule, or who are otherwise devoted to religious life, or to charitable work as a vocation. 

petit* - of small size, small


alliance - community or relationship in nature or qualities; affinity



mellay - an engagement in which the two parties or combatants are mixed together in a close hand to hand fight. 

lieutenant general* - in the British army, an officer in rank next below a general, and next above a major-general.


servation - preservation                                                                                              salvation

not on your life* -not on any account, by no means;  bludger - a parasite or hanger-on, a loafer.

touter - one who or that which watches (obs.); a spy upon race-horses; one who touts or canvasses for customers or clients.

pompadour* - a style of arranging women's hair, in which it is turned back off the forehead in a roll, sometimes over a pad.

by jove* - by god (used to show one's surprise, annoyance, etc.)

risky - dangerous, hazardous, fraught with risk

wark = work

stumblebum - a worthless, clumsy, or inept person; a 'down and out', a drunkard.