kink - a mental twist; an odd or fantastic notion; a crotchet, whim.

taw - a large choice or fancy marble, often streaked or variegated, being that with which the player shoots; a game played with such marbles.

whor = where (obs.)

drumhead courtmartial* - a court-martial summoned round an upturned drum, for summary treatment of offenders during military operations.

General Staff* - a body of officers controlling an army from headquarters under the commander-in-chief.

pugh = pooh - an ejaculation expressing impatience, or contemptuous disdain or disregard for anything; excrement, faeces (slang.)

to do the nut - to become angry, lose one's head; to be worked up about something; to be crazy.

dingbat* - a foolish or stupid person; someone crazy or insane.

dag - a 'character', an extraordinary person, a 'tough' but amusing person.

heliotropical - bending or turning in a particular direction under the influence of light;  pertaining to or marked by heliotropism.

nighttime* - the time between evening and morning, the time of night or darkness. 

tuff = tough (obs.)

pending - while awaiting, until the occurrence of, until; during, throughout the continuance of, in the process of. 

and vice versa* - Used to imply the complementary statement without expressing it in words.

reglow - the act of glowing again

batt - a felted mass of hair and wool in hat-making

bombardment - the process of bombarding; continuous attack upon a place with shot and shell.

tastefully - in a tasteful manner, with good taste

taut - tightly drawn, as by longitudinal tension; stiff, tense, not slack. 

geranium* - the colour of the scarlet geranium

satin - a silk fabric with a glossy surface on one side.

frame - to gain ground, make progress, to 'get on' (with); to shape, direct (one's thoughts, actions, powers, etc.) to a certain purpose; to put together, fashion, compose.

step up - fig. To arise, come suddenly into prominence; to advance gradually.


syncope* - failure of the heart's action, resulting in loss of consciousness, and sometimes in death.

bitt - one of the strong posts firmly fastened in pairs in the deck or decks of a ship, for fastening cables, belaying ropes, etc.; generally used in the plural. 

between;         beating

teff - the principal cereal of Abyssinia, Poa (Eragrostis) abyssinica, producing minute red or white grains from which bread is made.

mistletoe* - a parasitic plant of Europe, Viscum album (N.O. Loranthaceæ), growing on various trees (in Britain, frequently on the apple-tree, rarely on the oak) and bearing a glutinous fruit, from which a birdlime is prepared;        troop - a body of soldiers. 

borne - carried


spraygun - an apparatus for applying a liquid substance in the form of spray.

rake - to enfilade (Mil. To subject to an enfilade; to 'rake' or to be in a position to 'rake' (a line of fortification, a line of troops, a road, etc.) from end to end with a fire in the direction of its length).

split - to separate or take apart longitudinally

focus - the centre of activity, or area of greatest energy, of a storm, volcanic eruption, etc.

grenade* - to attack with grenades

dynamite* - to shatter or wreck by the explosion of dynamite

electrolyte* - a substance which dissolves in water or another suitable medium to give a solution capable of conducting an electric current; also, such a solution.

nichillate* - annulled

firespout* - a jet of volcanic fire

rutilance* - rutilant quality (rare.);        rutilant - glowing, shining, gleaming, glittering, with either a ruddy or golden light.  

gospel truth* - the truth or truths contained in the gospel; something as true as the gospel.

coating - clothing of the nature of a coat

fluorescence - the coloured luminosity produced in some transparent bodies by the direct action of light, esp. of the violet and ultra-violet rays; the property, in certain substances, of rendering the ultra-violet rays visible, so as to produce this phenomenon. 

mephitis* - a noxious or pestilential emanation, esp. from the earth; a noisome, or poisonous stench.

coagulate* - to become converted into a soft solid mass; to curdle, clot, congeal.

iconoscope - a kind of television camera tube (now little used) in which the target plate that receives the image consists of a mosaic of photoemissive material on an insulating sheet that is backed with a conducting sheet, the video signal being obtained from the variation in the current flowing to or from this latter sheet as the mosaic is scanned with an electron beam.

still - an ordinary photograph, as distinguished from a motion picture; spec. a single shot from a film (or a specially posed photograph of a scene from it) for use in advertising.

ghast - ghastly                                                                                                                 ghost





Son of Heaven - the Emperor of China; loosely, any Chinese

the Garter* - the badge of the highest order of English knighthood. Hence, membership of this order; the order itself.

latchet - a loop; a narrow strip of anything, a thong. 

puffpuff - an imitation of the sound of repeated puffing by a steam-engine; hence, a nursery name for a locomotive, or a railway train.

pompom - the name given during the South African war, 1899-1902, to the Maxim automatic quick-firing gun; a representation of a repetitive sound, e.g. the beat of a popular tune or poem; the round tuft on a soldier's or sailor's cap, the front of a shako, etc. 



buckling - a brace, a fastening; that which is buckled on

gorman = gourmand                                                                                                       German

customary* - according to custom; commonly used or practised; usual, habitual.

midday* - the middle of the day; Eccl. One of the canonical hours; = sext.


pleace = please (v.)

doughboy - an infantryman in the U.S. Army


something's wrong with

blank - to render blank or void; to veil from sight;                  blink - to look with twinkling eye-lids, as one half-awake or dazzled with light.


niece - a daughter of one's brother (brother-in-law) or sister (sister-in-law).


put up - to place (a military or other decoration) on one's uniform or other clothes.

wollop = wallop - to beat soundly, belabour, thrash; also occas. used as humorously for beat.

mouther - one given to vain, boastful, or declamatory speech                                         mouth

under - to cast down, depress

bundle* - fig. To collect, to gather into a mass. (Usually with up or together.) 

accomplice* - an associate in guilt, a partner in crime

confederate* - a person or state in league with another or others for mutual support or joint action; an ally.
