
col - abbrev. of colonel  

comp - abbrev. of company





ratocination* - reasoning, exact thinking

postlude* - a closing piece of music

disconnection - the fact or condition of being disconnected or unconnected; undoing of connexion; separation, detachment, disunion.

impervious* - fig. That one cannot get through or penetrate

boodle - crowd, pack, lot: as in the contemptuous 'the whole boodle'.

maimer* - one who maims or mutilates                                                                      memories


platonic* - Applied to love or affection for one of the opposite sex, of a purely spiritual character, and free from sensual desire. Also of affection for one of the same sex.


recoil - to retreat, retire, go or draw back (or aback) before an enemy or opposing force; to rebound, spring back, or return, to the starting-point or source. 


missionary* - relating to or connected with religious missions; sent on or engaged in a mission; proper to or characteristic of one sent on a mission.

post - the appointed place; the place of duty; an office or situation to which any one is appointed; position, place.

boyar - a member of a peculiar order of the old Russian aristocracy, next in rank to a knyaz or 'prince', who enjoyed many exclusive privileges, and held all the highest military and civil offices: the order was abolished by Peter the Great, and the word is in Russia only a historical term, though still often erroneously applied by English newspaper writers to Russian landed proprietors. 

boomerang* - to throw a boomerang; to fly back to the starting-point, after the manner of a boomerang when thrown; also fig.

Walhalla* = Valhalla - in Old Northern mythology, the hall assigned to those who have died in battle, in which they feast with Odin.

Alma Mater* - a title given by the Romans to several goddesses, especially to Ceres and Cybele, and transferred in Eng. to Universities and schools regarded as 'fostering mothers' to their alumni.

dring - to crowd, press, squeeze. Also fig.                                                                         drink

bicorn* - having two horns or horn-like processes.

fusillade* - to assault (a place), to shoot down (persons) by a simultaneous discharge of fire-arms.

cully - a man, fellow; a companion, mate

adjutant - helping, auxiliary, assistant


absent - one who is absent, an absentee;        absinth* - an alcoholic liqueur originally distilled from wine mixed with wormwood, but said now often to contain none.  

vermouth* - an alcoholic cordial or liqueur consisting of white wine flavoured with wormwood or other aromatic herbs and taken in order to stimulate the appetite;         Wehrmacht - the name used for the German armed forces between 1921 and 1945. 

gentleman's agreement* - an agreement which is not enforceable at law, and which is only binding as a matter of honour.

devout - a devotee


inhabitance* - an inhabiting; inhabitation; residence

mouth - Used for: (A person's) utterance (obs.); talk, tell.

attache* -  one attached to, connected with, on the staff of, another person or thing; spec. one attached to the suite of an ambassador.

said - named or mentioned before

manner - outward bearing, deportment, or style of address.

Clongowes Wood

khaki - dust-coloured; dull brownish yellow

reinette - a variety of apple, the rennet

milady - a continental rendering of 'my lady', used as an appellation in speaking to or of an English noblewoman or great lady.


yum - An exclamation of pleasurable anticipation, with implication of sensual or gustatory satisfaction; freq. reduplicated as yum-yum

nicety* - something choice, elegant, or dainty; an elegance or refinement.

djadja (r.) - uncle

jink - to play tricks and frolic, to move quickly, to run away.

junk - to treat as junk or rubbish; to discard, abandon.



brocade - a textile fabric woven with a pattern of raised figures, originally in gold or silver; in later use, any kind of stuff richly wrought or 'flowered' with a raised pattern.

a beam in one's eye* - with allusion to Matt. vii. 3, a relatively trifling fault observed in another person by one who ignores a greater fault of his own.

bame = balm (obs.)

hip hip hurrah

ras - the title of a leading citizen


...Right! Bravo Lancester! The Red rose wins. Come on now, York! Forge ahead! (from A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man).

anathem - a sentence of damnation, a curse

heaven sent

heroine* - in ancient mythology, a female intermediate between a woman and a goddess; a woman distinguished by exalted courage, fortitude, or noble achievements; the principal female character in a poem, story, or play; the woman in whom the interest of the piece centres.

senora* - a title of respect prefixed to the name of a Spanish lady, or used without the name in addressing her; hence, a lady of Spanish nationality.

wopsy - marked by disorder, irregular


bustle - stir, tumult, disturbance; the commotion of conflict, a conflict, struggle (arch.)


toothbrush* - a small brush with a long handle, used for cleansing the teeth.

smoothing - that smooths or makes smooth; having the effect of smoothing.

infructuosity* - unfruitfulness, sterility

grinner - one who grins, in senses of the vb.

ruddy - characterized by, or associated with, healthy redness of feature.

inflammatory* - tending to inflame with desire or passion; of a nature to rouse passion, anger,  or animosity. (Now usually in a bad sense.); that tends to heat or inflame the blood; exciting the brain or senses; stimulating.