immingle - to mix or blend intimately; to mingle, intermingle.

Hail Mary

Gospodi pomiluj (r.) - god have mercy



marrer - one who mars; a destroyer, injurer, spoiler                                                      matter

prepense - to weigh or consider beforehand; to meditate beforehand.

Wald (d) - forest

prepose - to place before or in front of something else; to preface, prefix.

pluggy - stiff (as clay); short and stumpy                                                                        bloody

moidered - confused, stupefied

bowie knife* - a large knife, with a blade from ten to fifteen inches long and above an inch broad, curved and double-edged near the point, carried as a weapon in the wilder parts of the United States.

decease* - to depart from life, to die


hurt - injury of any kind inflicted or suffered                                                                    heart


two or three

peevish - morose, querulous, irritable, ill-tempered, childishly fretful.

hip hip hurrah;         snoore - obs. variant of snore (v.)

whisht - to be silent, keep silence

stir - to move (a limb or member), to make any or the slightest movement with.

farewell* - to take leave of, bid or say good-bye to

groan - an act of groaning; a low vocal murmur, emitted involuntarily under pressure of pain or distress, or produced in voluntary simulation as an expression of strong disapprobation.

smug - to steal, filch, run away with

whilom* - at some past time, some time before or ago                                          meanwhile

at arm's length - as far out or away from one as one can reach with the arm; hence, away from close contact or familiarity, at a distance.

to put (someone) in the picture* - to inform (that person) of particular circumstances or facts.

by way of* - somewhat under the form of

omnium gatherum* - a gathering of all sorts; a miscellaneous assemblage, collection, or mixture (of persons or things); a confused medley;        umpty - an indefinite number, usu. fairly large.


lavish - to bestow, deal out, distribute, or spend profusely and recklessly.

lagan - goods thrown into the sea with a buoy so that they may be found again; goods or wreckage lying on the bed of the sea.

repleted - well-fed

salver - one who salves or heals; applied to Christ or the Virgin Mary.

innkeeping - the keeping of an inn (also attrib.); adj. that keeps an inn.

nonobstant* - notwithstanding

ministring - obs. form of ministering (ministration, administration: to furnish, supply, impart (something necessary or helpful); to guide, direct, manage (affairs, etc.); to serve (food or drink); to attend to the comfort or wants of another; to act as a minister of the Church.) 

nipper - a boy, a lad. Also, a girl; a child of either sex; the smallest or youngest of a family.

dandy - one who studies above everything to dress elegantly and fashionably; a beau, fop.

scup - a swing                                                                                                                      cup

chimney pot* - a cylindrical (sometimes prismatic or square-shaped) pipe of earthenware, sheet-metal, etc., fitted on the top of a chimney-shaft, to increase the up-draught and carry off the smoke;         chimbley - dial. var. of chimney;          phot - a unit of illumination equal to one lumen per square centimetre (equivalent to 10,000 lux).

lovecurl - a lovelock, esp. on the forehead

take up* - to lift, raise

communion - an organic union of persons united by common religious faith and rites (communion of saints).

foregive - to have a foreboding, anticipate                                                                    forgiver

trespass* - to commit a transgression or offence; to transgress, offend; to sin. Also fig.

thereinafter* - after, before, below in that document, statute, etc.

pontifex* - a member of the principal college of priests in ancient Rome, the head of which was the Pontifex Maximus or chief priest. 

haruspical - belonging to, or having the function of, a haruspex (one of a class of ancient Roman soothsayers, of Etruscan origin, who performed divination by inspection of the entrails of victims, and in other ways).

hospitality* - the reception and entertainment of guests, visitors, or strangers, with liberality and goodwill.

proffer* - to offer, present, tender

is not

gnarled* - Of a tree: Covered with protuberances; distorted, twisted; rugged, knotted         old

warld = world




solvent - a substance (usually a liquid) having the power of dissolving other substances; something which solves, explains, or settles; fig. A dissolving or disintegrating influence.

best friend


swish - to move with a hissing sound

televise* - to transmit (pictures, programmes, scenes, etc.) by television.

fiction - to feign, to fictionize