bin - within, inside of; in, into; Of time: Within, in the course of, during

why is

fie - to say Fie!                                                                                                                                                                      she


stella - Zool. A star-shaped projection on the surface of a coralline; also, a star-shaped sponge-spicule;                 stella (l) - a star.

vespertine* - of or pertaining to the evening 

rhombus* - rhomb (a plane figure having four equal sides and the opposite angles equal).

trapezoid* - a quadrilateral figure no two of whose sides are parallel

pleat - to plait (hair, a garland, etc.)

lepper - a local variant of leaper                                                                                                                                        letters

durian - the oval or globular fruit of Durio zibethinus, a tree of the Indian Archipelago; it has a hard prickly rind and luscious cream-coloured pulp, of a strong civet odour, but agreeable taste; also the tree itself.

Marian -  a female name; in quot. applied to a light woman

madcap* - one who acts like a maniac; a reckless, wildly impulsive person. In recent use often applied playfully to young women of lively and impulsive temperament.

lou = low                                                                                                                                                                             la

longa = long

whilest - obs. form of whilst

winny = wiener - of Vienna

tinny - like or resembling tin or that of tin; characteristic of tin; esp. of sounds; Also applied dismissively to (a device which produces) sound of poor quality from which the lower frequencies are largely missing; cheaply contrived.  


platinum blonde* - (of the hair) silvery-blonde in colour; (of a person) having silvery-blonde hair; a person, esp. a woman, with platinum-blonde hair.

to fall in with - to come upon by chance, light upon, meet with, get into company with.

header - one who heads or leads a party, etc.; a leader (rare.)

fret - to distress oneself with constant thoughts of regret or discontent; to vex oneself, worry.

indoor = indoors - within or into a house, etc.; under cover

shed - to take off (a garment); to pour out, impart (influence, blessings, qualities, etc.)

swank - ostentatious or pretentious behaviour or talk; swagger; pretence

daddy - a diminutive and endearing form of dad, father

stow - to place in a receptacle to be stored or kept in reserve; to put in a certain place, position, or situation (obs.)

beacon - a signal; spec. a signal-fire

kerosene - a mixture of liquid hydrocarbons, a commercial product of the distillation of petroleum.

not to be able or fit to hold a candle to* - not fit to hold even a subordinate position to, nothing to be compared to.

stinkpot* - a hand-missile charged with combustibles emitting a suffocating smoke, used in boarding a ship for effecting a diversion while the assailants gain the deck; a term of abuse for a person.

laddo* - lad, boy

feck - to steal

twine - thread or string composed of two or more yarns or strands twisted together

hurlyburly* - commotion, tumult, strife, uproar, turmoil, confusion

wuddle = widdle - to move slowly and irregularly; to waddle; to wriggle; fig. to work slowly and laboriously; to get through something in spite of difficulties or hindrances                                                                                                                        wait

wallow - to be immersed or engrossed in (some occupation, activity, etc.); to move about heavily or clumsily.

booth - a covered stall at a market  


panto = pantomime

fie, for shame! - an exclamation expressing, in early use, disgust or indignant reproach. No longer current in dignified language; said to children to excite shame for some unbecoming action, and hence often used to express the humorous pretence of feeling 'shocked'. 

pease - the plant, pea                                                                                                                                                        peace


panch - a thick strong mat, made of interlaced spun yarn or strands of rope, employed in various places on a ship to prevent chafing.

show of - to act or talk for show; to make a deliberate or ostentatious display of one's abilities or accomplishments.

stocking - a close-fitting garment covering the foot, the leg, and often the knee, usually made of knitted or woven wool, silk, or cotton; now spec. as a woman's usu. diaphanous leg-covering (esp. of silk or nylon) reaching to the thigh.

forrester = forester - an officer having charge of a forest

farley = ferly - something wonderful, a marvel, wonder

byfall - an incidental accessory or accretion;                                Beifall (d) - applause.

applaud* - applauding; applause, plaudit

gonn - obs. form of gun                                                                                                                                                     gone

gawd - vulgar or slang pronunciation of god; gaud

orbiter - a spacecraft in orbit or intended to go into orbit, esp. one that does not subsequently land.

to be fed up - to be surfeited or disgusted (with), bored or tired to breaking-point

fidge - the action or habit of fidgeting; a restless person

fudge - to fit together or adjust in a clumsy, makeshift, or dishonest manner; to patch or 'fake' up; to 'cook' accounts. Often in schoolboy language: To make (a problem) look as if it had been correctly worked, by altering figures.