pitch* - to put (anything) in a fixed or definite place or position, so as to stand, lie, or remain firmly or permanently.

for ensample* - a deterrent instance of punishment, or of the evil consequences of any course of conduct; a practical warning; 'for example'.

seawall - a wall or embankment to prevent the encroachment of the sea, or to form a breakwater, etc.

stout - Of persons: Thick in the body, not lean or slender; usually in unfavourable sense, inclined to corpulence.

sweyn = swine

Orion - name of a large and brilliant constellation south of the zodiac, figured as a hunter with belt and sword.

orgiast - one who celebrates orgies


ipse - himself; truly himself; in his right mind

quotidian* - a quotidian fever or ague; Of things, acts, etc.: Of or pertaining to every day, daily;                    quotidie (l) - daily.

brute - rough, rude, wanting in sensibilty; senseless, stupid; unintelligent, unreasoning.

layman* - a man who is not a cleric; a man who is an 'outsider' or a non-expert in relation to some particular profession, art, or branch of knowledge.

archdeaconry - the jurisdiction, or district under the ecclesiastical control, of an archdeacon.

yclept - known as, called

Clio - proper name of the Muse of epic poetry and history; also of a sea-nymph, sister of Beroe.

clipping - a press cutting; the shortening of a word, etc.

Sulpician* - one of a congregation of secular priests founded in Paris in 1642                                                              suspicious

save - Followed by an adv. or advb. phrase or clause, expressing the manner, time, etc., in regard to which an exception is to be made; = except.

scan - to examine, consider, or discuss minutely

palmer - pilgrim who had returned from the Holy Land, in sign of which he carried a palm-branch or palm-leaf; also, an itinerant monk who travelled from shrine to shrine, under a perpetual vow of poverty.

yew - a tree of the genus Taxus widely distributed in the North Temperate Zone, having heavy elastic wood and dense dark-green foliage; often planted in churchyards, and regarded as symbolic of sadness; the wood of this tree, esp. as the material of bows.

archer - one who shoots with bow and arrows, esp. one who uses them in war; a bowman. 



monolith* - a single block of stone, esp. one of notable size, shaped into a pillar or monument.

inturned - turned inward

airy - like air in its lightness and buoyancy. (Used appreciatively.)

gulch - a narrow and deep ravine, with steep sides, marking the course of a torrent; esp. one containing a deposit of gold; a heavy fall. 

mar - a hindrance, obstruction (obs.); something that mars or impairs; a drawback to.



one's mind's eye* - mental view or vision, remembrance

uncharted - of which there is not a map or chart

evasive - elusive, evanescent

caul - Anat. Any investing membrane or structure, as the membranes of the brain; the amnion or inner membrane inclosing the foetus before birth; esp. this or a portion of it sometimes enveloping the head of the child at birth, superstitiously regarded as of good omen, and supposed to be a preservative against drowning.

hocus pocus

faineant - one who does nothing; an idler; Often with allusion to the rois fainéants, 'sluggard kings', a designation of the later Merovingians.

furrin* - humorous or dialectal perversion of foreign

aft - Of time: Back from the present, earlier

snooper - one who pries or peeps; spec. one who makes an intrusive official investigation. 

ope = open

longtime (a.) - that has been such for a long time; also, extending for a long time into the future; requiring a long time.

lollapaloosa - something outstandingly good of its kind

odam - a son-in-law

recurrent - occurring or coming again (esp. frequently or periodically); reappearing.

'em - them

annalism - annal-writing, chronicling

scripture - the sacred writings of the Old or New Testament, or (more usually) of both together.

pose - an attitude or posture of the body, or of a part of the body, esp. one deliberately assumed, or in which a figure is placed for effect, or for artistic purposes.

sepulture - interment, burial; a burial-place, grave, tomb: = sepulchre. Now only arch. 


say - what a person says (obs.)

ee - north. and esp. Sc. form of eye

hut - a dwelling of ruder and meaner construction and (usually) smaller size than a house, often of branches, turf, or mud, such as is inhabited in primitive societies, or constructed for temporary use by shepherds, workmen, or travellers.

hennin - a head-dress worn by women in France in the 15th century, of high and conical shape, with a muslin veil depending from it.

aspire - to rise, mount up


quine = quean - a woman, a female                                                                                                                                    queen

selm - a bar of a gate

ashake - to shake off; fig. to dispel; in pass. to be gone, depart; 'on the shake,' shaking.

magot = maggot - a whimsical or perverse fancy; a crotchet

baritone* - Of the voice: Having a compass intermediate between bass and tenor

sanger = sangar - a breastwork of stone                                                                                                                             singer

as who - (freq. followed by would or should): as or like one who;                as who saith or say - as they say, as is commonly said.

roadster* - a horse for riding (or driving) on the road; Naut. A vessel lying, or able to lie, at anchor in a roadstead.

gillyflower* - Applied to native plants having flowers scented like a clove, esp. to the clove-scented pink.