Peruvian - of, pertaining to, or native to Peru, in South America

Erse = Irish

idiom - a form of expression, grammatical construction, phrase, etc., peculiar to a language.

cough - to express or utter by coughing

Russki* = Russian - of or pertaining to the Russian language

husky - Of persons and their voice: Dry in the throat, so that the timbre of the voice is lost, and its sound approaches more or less a hoarse whisper.

otherwise - differently conditioned or existing; not so; different; other


hoarded - stored up, treasured up  

sauterell = saunterell - used as a term of contempt

spendthrift - one who spends money profusely or wastefully; one who wastes his patrimony by foolish or lavish expenditure.

whatsoever* - whatever

Sol - the sun (personified)                                                                                                                                                    soul


turtling - the action or occupation of 'fishing' for or catching turtle

alderman - a magistrate in English and Irish cities and boroughs, next in dignity to the mayor; properly, as in London, the chief officer of a ward.

ladle - to lift out with a ladle; Also with out and fig.

regional - In general use, ellipt. for regional (stock) exchange, newspaper, stamp, etc.

pigmy - one of a group of very short people inhabiting equatorial Africa

honour bright* - Used as a protestation of (or interrogatively as an appeal to) one's honour or sincerity;             honour's bed - the grave of a soldier who has died on the field of battle.

so help me God* - the customary formula in a solemn oath

Saint Mathew

Saint Marc

Saint Luke

Saint John

stick to - to remain resolutely faithful or attached to (a person or party), not to desert

by gom* = by God

come off - Of a thing on hand: To come to the issue; to take place, be carried out

beforehand - before this or that, previously (obs.)

plaster - to overlay, daub, or cover with builder's plaster; fig. To cover, load to excess, e.g. with praise; also, to hide, gloze over, palliate.

pluckily - in a plucky manner; bravely, courageously

buckskin - leather made from the skin of a buck

ingrate - not pleasing or acceptable to the mind or senses; disagreeable, unpleasant; not feeling or showing gratitude; ungrateful, unthankful.

tootle - an act or the action of tootling or sounding a horn or similar wind-instrument; speech or writing of more sound than sense; verbiage, twaddle.

garner - a storehouse for corn, granary



iodine - one of the non-metallic elements, belonging to the halogen group; at ordinary temperatures a greyish-black soft brittle solid with a metallic lustre, volatilizing into a dense vapour of a deep violet colour.

evident* (quasi-adv.) = evidently (obs.)

tierce = terce - third

deuce - the two at dice or cards

patently - openly, obviously, manifestly, plainly, evidently, clearly

ballet - a theatrical representation, consisting of dancing and pantomime, orginally employed to illustrate dramatically the costumes and manners of other nations, but now for the most part regarded as an artistic exhibition of skill in dancing.

fall out - to happen, chance, occur, arise, come to pass

residue - the remainder, rest; that which is left

proceed - to 'go on' with or carry on an action or series of actions, a discourse, an investigation, etc.; esp. with reference to the manner or order observed.

namely - to wit; that is to say; videlicet

gossan - decomposed rock, of a reddish or ferruginous colour

duad - a group or combination of two; a couple, a pair

pomelo - the large fruit of Citrus decumana, a native of Java and Malaysia, now established in many tropical countries; In America, applied to the variety or sub-species of Citrus, also called 'grapefruit' and (in the English market) 'forbidden fruit'. Also = grapefruit. 

yam - the starchy tuberous root of various species of Dioscorea, largely cultivated for food in tropical and subtropical countries, where it takes the place of the potato.


tug of love - a conflict of affections; spec. a contest for custody of a minor

hoot - a loud inarticulate exclamation, a shout, outcry

drill - the agreed or recognized procedure, esp. on formal occasions

feck - to steal                                                                                                                                                                fucking

reecho - an echo; also, a second or repeated echo

peal - a loud outburst or volley of sound

recken = reckon (obs.);                            to reckon with - to take into account or consideration; to be prepared for.

gigantesque* - having the characteristics of a giant

unwithstood* - not withstood or hindered; unopposed

bearskin - the skin of a bear used as a wrap or garment; a shaggy kind of woollen cloth used for overcoats.

brawl - a noisy turbulent quarrel, a 'row', a squabble

childer - obs. and dial. pl. of child

longsuffering - bearing provocation or trial with patience

laird - a landed proprietor. In ancient times limited to those who held immediately from the king

vray - true

machinery - stage appliances and contrivances; the assemblage of 'machines' employed in a poem; supernatural personages and incidents introduced in narrative or dramatic poetry.

tombstone* - a stone or monument of any kind placed over the grave of a deceased person to preserve his memory.

suture - Surg. The joining of the lips of a wound, or of the ends of a severed nerve or tendon, by stitches.

recompounded - compounded again

Jacqueminot* - name of the Vicomte J. F. Jacqueminot (1787-1865), French soldier; a red-flowered, hybrid perpetual variety of rose; also, formerly used for a colour resembling that of the flower.

Milesian - a member of the race descended from the companions of Milesius. Hence  (sometimes jocularly), an Irishman.