jay - the name of a common European bird, Garrulus glandarius; a showy or flashy woman; one of light character; a stupid or silly person; a simpleton.  

Goth - one of a Germanic tribe, who, in the third, fourth, and fifth centuries, invaded both the Eastern and Western empires, and founded kingdoms in Italy, France, and Spain.

scourge - a whip, lash;                     the Scourge of God (= L. flagellum Dei) - a title given by historians to Attila, the leader of the Huns in the 5th century. 

visitation - the fact of some violent or destructive agency or force coming or falling upon a people, country, etc.

impluvium - In ancient Roman houses, the square basin situated in the middle of the atrium or hall, which received the rain-water from the compluvium or open space in the roof. 

Hun - one of an Asiatic race of warlike nomads, who invaded Europe c a.d. 375, and in the middle of the 5th c., under their famous king Attila.

mun - Colloq. abbrev. of money; man; the mouth

in one's naturals* - in a purely natural condition, not altered or improved in any way; also, in a perfectly naked state (obs.) 

obvious* - plain and open to the eye or mind, clearly perceptible, perfectly evident or manifest.

proprium - an attribute essentially belonging to something, a distinctive characteristic; essential nature, selfhood. 

stockpot - a pot in which stock for soups is boiled and kept

leaden - to make leaden or dull

sonse - abundance, plentifulness, plenty; prosperity

crake - corncrake; a crow or raven; to utter a harsh grating cry

wont - custom, habit

wanton - a lascivious or lewd person

maid - obs. pa. tense and pa. pple. of make (v.)

apo - - away from, off

spoor - to follow a spoor or trail

blink* - to move the eyelids, twinkle, peep, wink

wreathe - to twist or coil (something); to form or fashion into a coil or coils. Occas. in fig. context. 

this world - the present world; the present state or stage of existence, as distinguished from another, esp. a future one.

liquesce - to become liquid. Also fig., to merge into

pitiless - without pity or compassion; showing no pity; merciless

angelhood - the state or condition of an angel; angelic nature embodied; an angelic being.

stehen (d) - to stand

befall - to fall out in the course of events, to happen, occur

totter - the action, or an act, of tottering; wavering, oscillation; an unsteady or shaky movement or gait as of one ready to fall.

famish* - to starve; to die of starvation, perish from want of food

sorceress* - a female sorcerer; a witch

conjunction - a combination of events or circumstances

overalls - trousers of strong material, worn, with a similar shirt, as an outer garment by travellers, explorers, soldiers, cowboys, etc.

deceperation* - separation, severance

nightshirt - a shirt or loose garment worn by boys or men when in bed

spice - fig. To season, to affect the character or quality of, by means of some addition or modification.

seethe - fig. To be in a state of inward agitation, turmoil, or 'ferment'. Said of a person in trouble, fever, etc.

wilt - to cause to become limp; to deprive of stiffness, energy, vigour, or spirit

speck - a small spot of a different colour or substance to that of the material or surface upon which it appears.


take off - to remove or do away with

make off - to depart or leave a place suddenly, often with a disparaging implication; to hasten  or run away.

leanly - in a lean fashion; with a lean body or form; meagrely, poorly.

oaf - a half-wit, fool, dolt                                                                                                                                                      hour

lernen (d) - to learn

waxen - as if made of wax; with reference to the softness, impressibility, or fusibility of wax.

turn up - to find in a book, a set of papers, etc. some passage or document

tantalizing* - that tantalizes; tormenting by exciting desires which cannot be satisfied.


patch - a portion of any surface markedly different in appearance or character from what is around it.

Machiavelli (preferring expediency to morality; practising duplicity in statecraft or in general conduct; astute, cunning, intriguing).

spot - to catch sight of; to mark or note; to recognize or detect

headmaster - the principal master of a school, having assistant masters under him

harte = heart

mischief - harm or evil considered as the work of an agent or due to a particular cause

whilst - while

pupil - the circular opening (appearing as a black spot) in the centre of the iris of the eye, which expands or contracts in regulating the passage of light through it to the retina; the apple of the eye.

heavenliness* - the state or quality of being heavenly in origin, nature, or character

exaspirate - to deprive of an aspirate

provocative - serving to excite appetite or lust. Now limited to sexual contexts.

trumper - a deceiver, impostor, cheat; a trumpeter (obs.)

mocking bird* - an American passerine song-bird of the genus Mimus, esp. Mimus polyglottus, characterized by its habit of mimicking the notes of other birds. 

aye - ever, always, continually

