arose - pa. tense of arise                                                                                                                                                     alone

avis - obs. form of advice                                                                                                                                                       I

trill - to sing with vibratory effect

rossy = rosy (obs.) - rose-coloured, rose-red; resembling a rose; esp. sweet-smelling or  fragrant as a rose                        rosebud

bander - one who bands or leagues; a confederate

simule - to simulate or feign

ribbing - (The action of) teasing or joking at another's expense                                                                                          ribbons

Rumpf (d) - trunk, body

Kopf (d) - head

to make semblant - to make a show, appearance, or pretence of; to appear to do or be  something.

swipe - to deal a swinging blow or hit at                                                                                                                             wiping

chimbley = chimney - the passage or flue by which the smoke from a fire or furnace ascends and escapes.

cut up - to cut in pieces

pair of scissors* - a cutting instrument consisting of a pair of handled blades; scissors.

hushy - that is characterized by the sound hush

puker - one who pukes or vomits

side - to move or turn sideways

jolly - used as an admiring intensive, deriving its meaning from the context: Admirably great, large, big, etc.; ironically 'fine', 'nice'.

dawdle - to idle, waste time

coif - to provide or cover with a coif


inane - Of persons, their actions, etc.: Void or destitute of sense; silly, senseless.

glamour - charm, attractiveness, physical allure, esp. feminine beauty                                                                                    girls

moider - to confuse, perplex, bewilder; to worry, bother, fatigue

herefore - for this reason, on this account, therefore

lel - obs. forms of leal, leally

Lolo - the name of an aboriginal people of south-western China, of a member of this people, and of their Tibeto-Burmese language. 

leaper - a person or an animal that leaps or jumps

lep - obs. or Sc. form of lap, leap

fork - a forking, bifurcation, or division into branches

hazel - a bush or small tree of the genus Corylus, having as its fruit a nut

invoice* - to make an invoice of, to enter in an invoice. Also, to send or submit an invoice to (a person); a list of the particular items of goods shipped or sent to a factor, consignee, or purchaser, with their value or prices, and charges                     vox (l) - voice.

vervain* - the common European and British herbaceous plant, Verbena officinalis, formerly much valued for its reputed medicinal properties. 

ode - a poem intended or adapted to be sung

rood - a crucifix                                                                                                                                                                  road

rand - a border, margin, or brink (of land)                                                                                                                             land

blasting - blighting, striking with baleful effect, defaming, etc.

rod - an instrument of punishment, either one straight stick, or a bundle of twigs bound together.

perdition - Theol. The condition of final spiritual ruin or damnation, the future condition of the wicked and finally impenitent or unredeemed; the fate of those in hell, eternal death.

stink - to exhibit or savour of moral (artistic, etc.) decay

quest - Of persons: To go about in search of something; to search or seek

kilt - to gird up; to tuck up (the skirts) round the body. Also with up

kirtle - a skirt or outer petticoat

set out - to display to advantage, put forward to attract attention, make attractive; to begin or start on a journey; to start on one's way.

heel - to follow at the heels of, chase by running or nipping at the heels; also absol. to follow at a person's heels.

pride - that of which any person or body of persons is proud; magnificence, splendour; pomp, ostentation, display.

drest - clothed, attired, etc.  

faun - one of a class of rural deities; at first represented like men with horns and the tail of a goat, afterwards with goats' legs like the Satyrs, to whom they were assimilated in lustful character.

flare - dazzling but irregular light, like that of torches; a sudden outburst of flame. Also fig. Obtrusive display, ostentation, etc.; spec., a sudden or loud noise, a fanfare.

widen - to become wide or wider; to open wide (obs.)

floral - a dancer at the Floralia, a Roman festival in honour of the goddess Flora

Lucifer;                                      lignify - to convert into wood; to make ligneous. 

hop - a short spring or leap, esp. on one foot

ach - Not Eng. unless meant for an emphatic and strongly aspirated form of ah! Used in German and Celtic.

duff - something worthless or spurious; counterfeit money; smuggled goods

marrer - one who mars; a destroyer, injurer, spoiler

sward - a growth of grass; a stretch of greensward                                                                                                              word

incoronate - wearing or having a crown; crowned                                                                                                         incarnate

few and far between* - rare or uncommon, infrequent;                        farbetween - occurring at long intervals; infrequent.

haul - to pull or draw with force or violence; to drag, tug; to transport by cart or other conveyance, to cart, carry.

piebald* - of two different colours, esp. white and black or other dark colour (like the plumage of a magpie), usually arranged in more or less irregular patches; pied: usually of animals, esp. horses.

nag* - a niggardly or mean person; a small riding horse or pony

dabble - to wet by splashing, as in running through a puddle or wading about in shallow water.