taal - the Dutch word for language, speech; tale

brook - to put up with, bear with, endure, tolerate; to make use of (food); to digest mentally.

foretold - predicted; before mentioned (obs.)

timekiller - one who or that which 'kills' time: said of a person, an amusement, etc.

Arbeit nicht

stuck - a thrust or lunge; Fencing. A thrust with a pointed weapon

spoke - one of the set of staves, bars, or rods radiating from the hub or nave of a wheel and supporting the felloes or rim.

stene - a vessel for liquids (or, in later use, for bread, meat, fish, etc.), usually made of clay, with two handles or ears; a jar, pitcher, pot, urn                                                                                                                                                                            stone

run away with* - to depart surreptitiously with, to carry off (something); to consume or exhaust.

to run amok* - to run viciously, mad, frenzied for blood

lasterhalft (d) - spoiled, rotten, sinful

Jugend (d) - youth;                                 tugend (d) - virtue.

subliminal - below the threshold of sensation or consciousness: said of states supposed to exist but not strong enough to be recognized; that which is subliminal, the subliminal self.

tondo - an easel painting of circular form; also a carving in relief within a circular space (it. - a round, circle, compass; also a round trencher, plate, or little dish).

mor = more (obs.)

boo - a sound imitating the lowing of oxen; also used to express contempt, disapprobation, aversion;               boohoo - a word imitative of the sound of noisy weeping or laughter; also an expression of contempt.

through - finished, at an end, 'done'; defeated, 'done for'

hoo - a natural exclamation, used to express various feelings, as a call to attract attention, etc.

teacan - a metal can used for brewing or carrying tea

simmer - Of liquids: To make a subdued murmuring sound under the influence of continued heat; to be at a heat just below boiling-point. 

mavrone - anglicized form of Irish mo bhrón my grief, used as an exclamation of sorrow.

Kerry - The name of a town and neighbouring range of hills in the county of Powys, on the Welsh borders.

teapot* - a pot with a lid, spout, and handle, in which tea is made or brought to table.

God knows* - Used with indirect question to imply that something is unknown to the speaker, and probably to every other human being.


in the interim* - in the meantime, meanwhile

toot* - an act of tooting; a note or short blast of a horn, trumpet, or other wind instrument.

tart - Applied, gen. (orig. often endearingly) to a girl or woman

mourning - feeling or expression of sorrow; sorrowing, lamentation

kneecap - the convex bone in front of the knee-joint

vie - to enter into, or carry on, rivalry

girder - a main beam in a framed floor                                                                                                                              garters

delicious* - highly pleasing or enjoyable to the bodily senses

ross - to divest of the ross, or rough, scaly surface; as, to ross bark (of a tree)                                                                       rise


exude - to sweat out or give off like sweat; to discharge through the pores                                                                           oxide

margary - variant of margery (a pearl)                                                                                                                             mercury

heavy* - to weigh down, to burden, to oppress, grieve, distress

eyerim - a circular single eye-glass, adapted to be held to its place by the contraction of the orbital muscles                            iron

rust - a red, orange, or tawny coating formed upon the surface of iron or steel by oxidation, esp. through the action of air or moisture.


witless - lacking wisdom or sense, unreasonable, foolish, heedless                                                                                    witness

slight - unimportant, trifling


cold water

whence - from what place? from what source, origin, or cause?



mode - a way or manner in which something is done or takes place; a method of procedure in any activity, business, etc.; a prevailing fashion or conventional custom, practice or style; esp. one characteristic of a particular place or period; a particular scheme or system of sounds.

tarara - a word imitating, and hence denoting, the sound of a trumpet or bugle; high-flown, loud, extravagant, or pretentious talk.

boom - a loud, deep sound with much resonance or humming effect, as of a distant cannon, a large bell, etc.

decay - to lose its characteristic quality, strength, or excellence; to be in a failing condition.

immaculacy - immaculate condition or quality

tunic - a garment worn by women, consisting of a bodice and an upper skirt, belted or drawn in at (or fitted to) the waist, worn over and displaying a longer skirt. (In very recent use, applied  to the upper skirt alone).  

war - to make or carry on war; to fight

from first to last - from beginning to end, throughout

smuggler - one who smuggles commodities; esp. one who makes a trade or practice of smuggling                                   struggler

lifer - a sentence for life; one who leads a life of a specified character

ve = we; wee

to veer and haul* - to haul and slack alternately on a rope, as in warping, until the vessel or boat gets headway.

in black and white - in writing or in print

eartrumpet* - an apparatus in the form of a straight or convoluted conoidal tube, used by  persons somewhat deaf, to enable them to hear more distinctly.

jenny - the female name; a female bird or donkey

tantamount* - that amounts to as much, that comes to the same thing; equivalent

clearobscure = chiaroscuro - the style of pictorial art in which only the light and shade, and not the various colours, are represented; fig. Used of poetic or literary treatment, criticism, mental complexion, etc., in various obvious senses, as mingled 'clearness and obscurity', 'cheerfulness and gloom', 'praise and blame,' etc.

tint - a colour, hue, usually slight or delicate

taunt - an insulting or provoking gibe or sarcasm; a mocking or scornful reproach or challenge.

bacchante - bacchus-worshipping, wine-loving; a priestess or female votary of Bacchus.

custard - a dish made with eggs beaten up and mixed with milk to a stiff consistency,  sweetened, and baked.

dove = dovecolour - a warm grey with a tone of pink or purple

Eskimo - a member of a widely spread people inhabiting the Arctic from Greenland to Eastern Siberia.

feldgrau (d) - the regulation colour of the uniform of a German infantryman.

hematite - native sesquioxide of iron (Fe2O3), an abundant and widely distributed iron ore, occurring in various forms (crystalline, massive, or granular); in colour, red, reddish-brown, or blackish with a red streak.  

isinglass* - a firm whitish semitransparent substance (being a comparatively pure form of gelatin) obtained from the air-bladders of some fresh-water fishes, esp. the sturgeon.

jet - the colour of jet; a deep glossy black

kipper - a name given to the male salmon (or sea trout) during the spawning season.

mimosa - a yellow colour resembling that of the mimosa

nut - A fruit which consists of a hard or leathery (indehiscent) shell enclosing an edible kernel; the kernel itself.

prune - the dark reddish purple colour of the juice of prunes