customer - an official who collects customs or dues; a custom-house officer (obs.)

annuary - a book of which successive numbers are published once a year, usually at the same date; esp. one that conveys information for the year, or reviews the events of the past year.


locomotive - Of a person: That is constantly travelling from place to place

inn = in

outing - the action of going out or forth, an expedition

sloppily - in a sloppy or slovenly manner

knut - a fashionable or showy young man

tiff* - to drink, to sip                                                                                                                                                     Tuesday

in bad - out of favour (with, etc.), in bad odour

flatfish - a name for fish of the family Pleuronectidæ, which includes the turbot, plaice, etc.

torchbearing - that carries a torch. Also fig.

dud - counterfeit, worn out, useless, unsatisfactory

halfsovereign - an English gold coin, nominally worth 50 pence (ten shillings)

roly poly* - a kind of pudding, consisting of a sheet of pastry covered with jam or preserves, formed into a roll and boiled or steamed.

Schererei (d) - trouble

butt - a buttock

Rachel - the stage-name of Elisa Félix (1820-58), French actress

forking - the action of the vb. fork

purdah - a curtain; esp. one serving to screen women from the sight of men or strangers.

palmer - a pilgrim who had returned from the Holy Land, in sign of which he carried a palm-branch or palm-leaf.

tosspot - one accustomed to toss off his pot of drink, a heavy drinker, a toper, drunkard.

pawse = pause

kook - a cranky, crazy, or eccentric person                                                                                                                        cook

drudge - one employed in mean, servile, or distasteful work; a slave, a hard toiler.


whort = whortleberry - the blue black fruit or the dwarf shrub, or the plant itself

the show must go on - things (orig. a circus or theatrical peformance) must carry on as planned despite difficulty, calamity, etc.

onehorse - on a small scale; petty; of small and limited resources or capacity

pageant - a scene acted on the stage; spec. one scene or act of a mediæval mystery play (obs.)

work up - to build up, construct, form


mangrove - any tree or shrub of the genus Rhizophora. The species are all tropical, growing in the mud on the sea-shore down to low-water-mark; they have large masses of interlacing roots above ground, which intercept mud and weeds, and thus cause the land to encroach on the sea.

maze - a structure consisting of a network of winding and intercommunicating paths and passages arranged in bewildering complexity, so that without guidance it is difficult to find one's way in it; a labyrinth; occas. in pl., the windings of a labyrinth.

blood and thunder* - violence in a film, book, etc.

film - a cinema performance

prompting - an incitement to action, an instigation

vitale = victual (food or provisions of any kind); victualler

long shot - something incredible or very unlikely, a far-fetched explanation, a wild guess; a cinema or television shot which includes figures or scenery at a distance.

upclose - to close up (in various senses);          close up - a cinema or television shot taken at short range in order to magnify detail.

blackout* - the darkening of a stage during a performance; a darkened stage

hexen (l) - to divine;                             schuss (l) - shoot.

incubo (l) - to lie, to dwell

berthe - a deep falling collar, usually of lace, attached to the top of a low-necked dress, and running all round the shoulders.

harlequin* - a character in Italian comedy. In English pantomime a mute character supposed to be invisible to the clown and pantaloon; he has many attributes of the clown (his rival in the affections of Columbine) with  the addition of mischievous intrigue; he usually wears particoloured bespangled tights and a visor, and carries a light 'bat' of lath as a magic wand.

Columbine* - a character in Italian Comedy, the mistress of Harlequin

jest - the opposite of earnest or seriousness; trifling sport, fun

jig - a piece of sport, a joke

jorum - a large drinking-bowl or vessel; also, the contents of this; esp. a bowl of punch.

the late lamented* - someone recently dead;                                 cemented - treated with cement.

R.I.C. - Royal Irish Constabulary;                                 R.I.P. - requiescat in pace, 'may he rest in peace'.

Ouida - the nom-de-plume of the English novelist Marie Louise de la Ramée (1839-1908).

lime - limelight (the intense white light for important actors and scenes)

flood - Usu. in pl., colloq. abbrev. of flood-lamp, -light

venthole - a hole or opening for the admission or passage of air, light, etc.

morgen = morn

bosse = boss

to take for granted* - to regard as not requiring proof, or as likely to be admitted by everyone;                 graft - to insert (a shoot from one tree) as a graft into another tree. 

Venetian blind* - a window-blind composed of narrow horizontal slats so fixed as to admit of ready adjustment for the exclusion or admission of light and air. 

Sardinian - rel. to Sardinia


eke - an addition, a piece added on, a supplement

silktree* - low headed spreading tree, possessed of the most graceful foiage

seedman - a sower of seed

crack - a sudden sharp and loud noise as of something breaking or bursting; a sharp or cutting remark.

smoker - one who smokes tobacco; one who jests at, or ridicules, others

gods - Theat. (So called because seated on high.) The occupants of the gallery

interjection - an ejaculation or exclamation